Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Positive Thinking

Biggest Loser Couples started last night. I set a goal to walk while watching it and completed it! I walked for 2 hours and for 6.5 miles. My legs were sore after but I felt that satisfaction of completion! I think I enjoy walking as much as my other work outs and want to start walking more often. Now, I do love a good sweat when I work out and I didn’t quite get that last night… so I will have to get a good run in today. I weigh in Friday so I will try to take tomorrow easy. I am excited for this first weigh in – and excited to see that hard work pay off!

I was quite moody when I woke up this morning… I think I still wanted to be in bed. DD joined us in our bed about 6 and I kept snapping at her. She was awake and kept moving… and I just wanted a few more min. rest! I realized the error of my ways and changed my attitude once she was up and getting ready for the day. Then I got to work and it was down hill from there again. For me, one of the worst feelings is when I know I am in a bad mood and can’t turn it around L

I did take the time to walk over and have dinner with DH today - and that always helps! It is nice to get away from work and spend a few minutes with him during the day. I wish it happened more often. We were talking about happiness and I was telling him about the Oprah show I watched that said if you think it, it will happen. So, I am THINKING I know I WILL get to my goal weight – might take more time then I had planned but it WILL happen!!

Hope the day gets better!

1 comment:

  1. Good work on your walking! I don't know how I missed Biggest Loser - I need to set my DVR!
