We have a dog, Lacey, who is a little over 6 years old. She is the best dog I have ever known. Lacey doesn't really bark, she will cry. When we put on our shoes or grab our keys, she heads to her kennel. When our DD came along, I think she was devastated. She went from being the only princess in the house to being close to nonexistent. When DD walks into the room Lacey looks for the fastest escape route. About a month ago she had and ear infection and I took her to the Vet. at the place I had her groomed at. The told me that she was overweight and we needed to work on that. So, I have been walking her the last few weeks at night. This last weekend while DD and I were walking her, our neighbor commented on Lacey "boy she never misses a meal". Now, I took this comment a little personal!! She had been on some medication over the winter that made her gain some weight. I said "hints the walk" and we moved on. That comment had bothered me some over the week. We used to walk Lacey daily... when we got away from that I am not sure. I know that I feel better when I am getting out there and walking her. So, I hope that we will get back into a routine and get her back in shape because she deserves the attention and exercise!
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago