I am a subscriber to Sarah's Laughter - it is Christian Support for Infertility. They send me daily inspiration. Today I really had to think about the message...
"Infertility is a struggle unlike no other. It affects every aspect of your life--your finances, your sex life, your marriage, your relationship with friends and family, your relationship with Jesus. There is no part of your life it does not touch. People around you watch to see how you handle a crisis. Some watch so they will know how to help. Some watch so they will know how to criticize. My question is this: Will they see Jesus in you?"
I have never thought about infertility this way. I have always felt like I am dealing with it in my own little bubble. However, it has impacted all of these relationships. Over the past few months DH and I decided to take a break from trying and through that I think I have come to see Jesus and hope that others see Him through me. There are many things that have happened that were not 'my' plan or on 'my' timetable. Looking back there is no way I would have known that the timetable of God was unmistakeably the right one.
Through infertility I have become acutely aware that I am not in control, God is. He has a plan that is bigger then me. I often hear everything happens for a reason - and while I believe that to be true - I also believe that everything happens according to God's plan, not 'my' plan. I am learning each and every day to embrace His plan and relinquish some of the control I think I have.
If you have a friend or loved one dealing with infertility please share this. It helps to have a daily reminder that others experience the same emotions and God is the one in control.
"Infertility is a struggle unlike no other. It affects every aspect of your life--your finances, your sex life, your marriage, your relationship with friends and family, your relationship with Jesus. There is no part of your life it does not touch. People around you watch to see how you handle a crisis. Some watch so they will know how to help. Some watch so they will know how to criticize. My question is this: Will they see Jesus in you?"
I have never thought about infertility this way. I have always felt like I am dealing with it in my own little bubble. However, it has impacted all of these relationships. Over the past few months DH and I decided to take a break from trying and through that I think I have come to see Jesus and hope that others see Him through me. There are many things that have happened that were not 'my' plan or on 'my' timetable. Looking back there is no way I would have known that the timetable of God was unmistakeably the right one.
Through infertility I have become acutely aware that I am not in control, God is. He has a plan that is bigger then me. I often hear everything happens for a reason - and while I believe that to be true - I also believe that everything happens according to God's plan, not 'my' plan. I am learning each and every day to embrace His plan and relinquish some of the control I think I have.
If you have a friend or loved one dealing with infertility please share this. It helps to have a daily reminder that others experience the same emotions and God is the one in control.
Hugs to you, my friend. I was particularly touched when I read "that the timetable of God is unmistakeably the right one". I have found that to be true in all of life's circumstances. It's so comforting and freeing to come to this realization!